Towson Manor Park Playground
57 E Susquehanna Ave Towson, MD 21286
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Towson Manor Park is a fabulous playground for kids of all ages!
Towson Manor Park is a great little park if you’re in search of someplace for the kids to burn some energy. The playground has new equipment with tons of climbing ropes as well as swinging bridges and slides. What we love about the playground is its unique play structures. You don't just get the standard "climb and slide" style of equipment that you normally do at area parks. While Townson Manor still has all of the classics like (think fast slides and a swing set) you'll also get some more unique play items as well.
The park is divided into an upper playground for bigger kids and a lower playground for smaller kids. To get from space to space, kids can walk around the perimeter or take a slide down! There are also swings for both big and little kids available. Adjacent to the park is a small field where you can kick a soccer ball or have a picnic, depending on your mood. Kids will also love the large sandbox that's available at the park.
There are no public bathrooms, but if you’re ready for an indoor activity, you can check out the Towson branch of the Baltimore County Public Library that’s right across the street. If you're hungry, there are tons of grab and go style restaurants in the area as well! While Towson Manor Park is a small space, it’s a good option if you’re in the area and looking for an activity for the kids!