A Message For Teens (From A Teen)

Published on March 24, 2020 - Updated on April 23, 2020

A Message For A Teen From A Teen

Positive Inspiration Directly From A “Teen” Member

According to our source, teens going into their self-titled “Corona-cation” thought it would be fun initially, but after two days the general perspective quickly changed. Many parents today may find it hard to believe, but most teens get bored of social media and actually expect to DO something. They follow our lead reluctantly and often complain much of the way, but the “something” they want to do (and now don’t have parents making them) is to get out into the world. We know, the irony is thick, but due to COVID-19 the conversation has, in fact, shifted.

For all those parents and caregivers looking for ideas to keep your teens stimulated, we welcome you! If there is one silver lining in this very crazy time it is that teens are ready and willing to listen to new ideas designed to keep their brains and bodies engaged. Here are four amazing activities to do with your big kids during “Corona-cation,” each carefully crafted by our very own, very wise resident teen.

1.Pick up a new hobby! For example, Lizzy, a fourteen-year-old girl, is learning to knit. She initially started because it was a project for school but it’s become a relaxing activity to keep her brain focused. According to Liz, knitting may seem a boring activity for teens, but once she got into the groove of it she now can watch movies while practicing. 

Lizzy is currently taking in the newest season of The Bachelor while knitting so she can practice focusing on multiple things at once. She is enjoying it, while making her brain and hand-eye coordination stronger!

2.Practice a language! If your child is taking a language in school, encourage him or her to continue with it so when they return to the classroom their mind is sharp and perhaps even a bit ahead of the curve. There is a great free website called Duolingo. This educational resource has languages including Spanish, Gaelic and Arabic. 

Lizzy is actively practicing her Spanish on Duolingo and it's helping with both spelling and speaking. Lizzy hopes to use these new skills if her family still goes to Puerto Rico this summer.

3.Bake! This is a fun activity for everyone and if you bake while blasting music in the kitchen you are on the fast track to an epic dance party. Baking is a great activity for the whole family. You can be creative and make your baked goods from scratch or just use the box mixes. 

Regardless, always add music to turn up the energy because, as pointed out by Liz, it is guaranteed to be ten times better. One second you will be using your whisk mixing your brownie mix and next you are using it as a microphone, if you are any fun at all.


baked goods

4.Walk your dog! Taking your pup out for a stroll is a great way to get outside. During this time it is important to get fresh air because too much time indoors can make people feel a little crazy, but walking provides necessary exercise for yourself and your dog. 

While going out might make people anxious to expose themselves in ways that don’t honor social distancing, with your dog you are limited in what you can do. Plus you can only be outside for so long because they get tired, thirsty and hungry. Just remember to stay six feet apart on your adventure.

walking dogs

We thank the author of these amazing tips, Lizzy. She is the perfect example of a wise and creative teen. She is careful to be deliberate in her safety, and that of others, but still seeks smart ways to keep her balance during this uncertain time. 

We hope our next generation of “adults in the making” take some advice from Liz, and find their own paths to self-motivation. We as adults have so much to be thankful for, and great examples like Lizzy remind us every day that we can offer our teens tools to succeed, but it is up to them to truly thrive.

What's working well for you and your family? We look forward to hearing from you at share@happyly.com. 

We welcome you to check out our blog for more inspiration from a list of Online Educational Tools, join as we Run For Fun With Our Kids or helpful tips on Adapting to Our New Normal in light of social distancing.

Also, please take a moment to explore Week #3 of our Daily Schedule For Preschool and Grade School. As always, we welcome your family's highlights! Tag us on Instagram @gethappyly!

Thoughtfully captured by:
The Team at Happyly
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