Burntwood Park and Playground
Southwest Burntwood Way, Beaverton, OR 97007, USA
Dawn to dusk
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Burntwood Park is a beautiful park with a playground with a great view!
It is located on the Westside Regional Trail and spans 7.5 acres. The playground is right off of SW Burntwood Way, so it is perfect for grabbing a snack or taking a break from biking or running the trail. A picnic table and park bench are conveniently situated around the playground so your littles can take a break from the trail. The park overlooks the power lines and Bull Mountain and its beautiful treeline. The park is perfect for soaking in the sun, but it might be a little hot on a warm day as there is very little shade or sun coverage. The park offers tons of grassy areas along the trails. You will see friendly dogs off leash, walking, or playing catch with their owner!
Let’s play!
The playground is technically for five to12-year-olds, but toddlers will have a great time climbing up and down the stairs and going down the slides. There is also a great climbing obstacle course perfect for older kids! However, even tweens will find this obstacle course challenging and fun!
Burntwood Park is close to Hart Meadows Park and Mt. Williams Park. All parks are along the Westside Regional Trail, making it a perfect park hopping half-day adventure! There is no restroom, and no water fountain, so be sure to bring a full reusable water bottle. This section of the trail is very hilly, so be sure you and your littles are up for the challenge before bringing the bikes! There is parking on SW Burntwood Way.