Village Green Park and Playground
Village Green Park, Southeast Sieben Park Way, Clackamas, OR, USA
Open 30 Minutes before Sunrise Closes 30 Minutes After Sunset
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Village Green Park features an amazing climbing playground and is located right across the street from the Happy Valley Library.
The parking lot is conveniently located on SE Sieben Park Way, so that your car will be safe and in a populated area whether you plan to play at the park, visit the library across the street, or even walk sections of the nearby Rose Creek Trail.
The playground that’s here seems to be geared towards older children as the two unique climbing features are high and require both balance and skill. My five year old had no problem climbing around on the giant triangular web once he got comfortable, but struggled to be able to go up very far on the other structure, which has an interesting design of slanted ropes, uneven platforms, and somewhat random climbing spacers. This would be a great spot for any climber to learn to hone in on their skills and really learn to trust themselves. And I shouldn’t say it’s just for older kids either as my one year old loved stepping over the ropes and getting herself “stuck” in the web.
A covered area with six picnic tables under it offers some protection from the sun, as well as a brief break from all the climbing. Nearby is a water feature, which looks like a fountain and is turned on in summer for a small splash pad type area. Further on you'll see that there's basketball courts and beyond that a grassy area that sort of dips down. This area is actually a detention pond, where during extremely wet weather, water can temporarily pond here preventing negative downstream impact and will eventually drain into the soil, then making it a grassy play space once again.
There is a roundabout in the streets right by the park and in March the circle in the middle has beautifully blooming cherry trees.
I did not see a restroom facility, but I also didn’t check to see if there was one available at the Happy Valley Library right across the street. This would make a great outing to visit both the library and the park if you have time.