Nurturing Your Partnership While Social Distancing
Published on March 26, 2020 - Updated on April 23, 2020
5 Ways To Nurture Your Partnership While Social Distancing
We are big fans of marriage, partnership and life commitment at happyly. In striving to be great parents, we support the theory that prioritizing an exceptional partnership is of key importance. Proactively pursuing a healthy relationship and exercising respect, patience, and love during the challenging moments impacts children throughout their lives.
As in every aspect of our existence, success requires determination and teamwork, and marriage is no different. I am a HUGE believer in a consistent date night with my husband, and our commitment to this practice makes a tangible difference in our relationship. It deepens our level of closeness and strengthens our connection, which in turn establishes more patience and softens us to one another during moments of elevated stress in our daily lives.
The alterations necessary to respectfully respond to the Coronavirus compromise the potential for alone time right now. We stand resolute in our decision to self-quarantine and will not utilize sitters to avoid potential exposure. Restaurants are closed anyway, and by the time we complete our workday, a hike or active lifestyle option in twenty-degree weather isn’t especially appealing. My husband and I both work from home, so, any remaining energy and creativity go to our children to keep them entertained and feeling safe.
Surrendering our time alone together seems a small price to pay during this period of uncertainty, but we must bear in mind that this quarantine could go on longer than originally expected. Potentially, the absence of date nights and guaranteed time to openly communicate may become our new normal for a while. The health of our marriage is so important, and these opportunities to connect have proven a building block to our success.
Dismissing the value of this time is not an option, so we must adjust, and purposefully engage every bit of creativity. Here are a few date night plans when staying home. Most require a movie for the kids, so save that screen time for the evening whenever you can.
- Kick back with a glass of wine or a cup of tea. It doesn't need to be extravagant. If you are focused on giving one another your full attention, ten minutes actually goes a long way.
- Bring out a deck of cards. What did people do before the endless supply of “primetime” quality television and online entertainment? They played games, of course! Learn a new card game or revive an old favorite. This not only stimulates conversation, but it produces laughter, which we all need in spades right now.
- Plan a future trip. Dreaming together is always fun. Discuss a future adventure, and do active research together to iron out all the spectacular details.
- Pursue a new series. This is obvious, but it is important that you find one that you both enjoy. Once we’ve committed to a show there have been times we just stick with it, causing one or both of us to reach for our phone. Move on and find one you can’t wait to dive into.
- Use FaceTime as a babysitter. Reach out to a friend or family member. To maximize potential time, plan a project, craft or storytime with your selected virtual counterpart ahead of time to keep the kids engaged.
Remember, it is more important that you create this time, at any level, than expect it to resemble what you are used to. Instead of the one official weekly date night that you are accustomed to, perhaps consider working in several small versions instead.
What ultimately matters most is that you make the effort to demonstrate that even when unforeseen challenges arise, you will always find time to prioritize one another in a responsible and loving way.
Check out the blog for inspiration through strategies to Banish Boredom, helpful suggestions for coping with social distancing For A Teen From A Teen, or Ten Tips For Parents Working From Home.
Also, please take a moment to explore the happyly team's Daily Schedule For Preschool and Grade School and our compilation of Online Educational Tools. As always, we welcome your family's highlights! Tag us on Instagram @gethappyly!