Spreading Kindness During Physical Distancing
Published on April 02, 2020 - Updated on April 23, 2020
Giving back to the community is an effective way to bring a family together and elevate your spirits. Fortunately, physical distancing does not eliminate all potential opportunities for public service, and acts of kindness are an easy way to help those around you while keeping your family engaged.
We are excited to share opportunities to give back that deeply consider the widespread challenges of COVID-19. There are many simple ways your family can have a meaningful impact on those around you, including first responders, health care workers, essential employees and vulnerable members of your community.
Help Your Local Food Banks
With layoffs sweeping across the country as businesses are forced to trim down in an effort to stay afloat, food banks are struggling. Share a message of generosity with your children by asking them to select one or two nutritious items from your kitchen to contribute to a community pantry. Find out what is in greatest need and how you can drop the items safely.
Support Essential Blood Drives
Donating blood is more important than ever. Obviously, this is not an option for kids under sixteen, but explaining to your children why you are doing it will give them a sense of responsibility for others in need. The American Red Cross takes all precautions to secure your safety and their need is more critical than ever. You can find a blood drive near you and schedule an appointment on their website.
Run Errands
Elderly, vulnerable or immunocompromised friends or family members might be sacrificing certain basic items to avoid reaching out for help. Pick up extra supplies when you are at the grocery store. After disinfecting them out of an abundance of caution, alert them of your intention and let your kids ride with you to drop them on their doorstep! The recipient will likely feel more comfortable reaching out for help once you’ve made contact.
Connect via Snail Mail
Drawing a picture or writing a letter is a fun way to brighten someone's day and stay connected while practicing social distancing to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

FaceTime More Isolated Members of Your Tribe
It seems obvious, but instead of your usual calls, plan to get some face time with those in your world that might be feeling lonely - new moms, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents or friends that recently moved to a new town or city. It’ll feel great for everyone involved!
Donate To Group Homes or Senior Communities
Essential employees and residents that are exposed in group settings are especially grateful for your support. Safely dropping off cleaning supplies and food can be easily coordinated to places like this in your area, and it means so much.
Deliver Kid-friendly Food Items
Amazing members of our community are actively putting together meals for schools with lunch programs. Help nourish our neighborhood kids with some of your own favorite snacks and treats.
Make Masks at Home
There are many resources online, including this one organized by Joann Fabrics, that describe how to craft and donate masks to help people feel more comfortable performing essential jobs in the days of COVID-19. Alternatively, many brands are making masks in their factory and welcome donations of any amount, such as Chaco.

Supplement Necessities For Those in Need
Many companies are finding ways to deliver necessary items to families that are struggling to make ends meet. Iksplor, for example, is currently offering "buy one, give one." When you buy a product of importance, you can purchase a second for 50% off to send to an expecting mother of your choosing.
Clean Up Your Neighborhood
If you have access to rubber or medical gloves, take your family out for a community clean up. Pick up litter around trails or walkways. It will give your kids a measurable goal, and allow them to feel helpful in a time marked by powerlessness. It is a great exercise to perform now, as well as when this is all behind us, to help keep our neighborhoods free of trash.

Order Take-Out
Restaurants and small businesses are some of the hardest hit in our community. Helping them maintain cash-flow is one of the easiest, but most important ways you can support your community. Make sure your favorite spots will still be available for your enjoyment by helping them remain busy while they strive to serve you.
Stay Home
The most powerful impact you can have on your community is to stay home and respect the shared desire to stop the spread of COVID19. While getting out responsibly is possible and likely necessary at times (groceries, medical needs and to help others through no-contact outlets), maintain your distance and seek only essential outings and fresh air excursions in low population areas.
There are many uncontrollable elements of this pandemic, but we at happyly always aspire to find a silver lining in every difficult situation. With this pursuit in mind, we see it as an opportunity to bond with our family and teach them the value of kindness.
These are powerful and enduring lessons that your children will carry with them throughout their lives. If we can encourage them in these ways, their memories of a global pandemic will not be of stress and isolation, but rather community, love and an elevated sense of self-worth by contributing to the greater good.
What's working well for you and your family? We look forward to hearing from you at share@happyly.com.
We welcome you to check out our blog for more inspiration from a list of Things That Aren’t Cancelled, live vicariously through writer Colin Boyd in Climb Mountains: A Right Of Passage or follow our list of April Weeknight Meal Plans to keep it creative in the kitchen.
Also, please take a moment to explore this week’s happyly Survival Toolbox, including our Daily Schedule designed to create positive days at home with your family. As always, we welcome your family's highlights! Tag us on Instagram @gethappyly!